Services / Comptes de services Citrix XenApp & permissions associées

Services / Comptes de services Citrix XenApp & permissions associées

Voici deux articles importants et intéressants à prendre en considération dans le cadre de l’implémentation d’infrastructures Citrix XenApp 4.x.

Sources :


List of Presentation Server 4.5 Service User Accounts and Default Permissions


Cet article liste les différents comptes de services et permissions associées …

(en anglais. J’essaierai à l’occasion de traduire les noms de comptes et services en Français. Pour le moment voir les liens mentionnés ci-dessus …CTX116391 // CTX114669)


The accounts detailed below may have associated impacts on Active Directory and local Group Policy objects, as well as permissions, and should not be modified. Because two of these accounts are granted power user rights, some customers may be tempted to modify or remove them. If either of the two new accounts described below are deleted or permissions are altered, Citrix Presentation Server may not function properly.

Service user accounts/permissions

Account Name Permissions Notes
Local Service Minimal NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
Network Service Minimal, network resources NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
Local System Administrator NT AUTHORITY\System
ctx_cpsvcuser Domain or local user Acts as a power user
Ctx_StreamingSvc Domain or local user Acts as a user
Ctx_ConfigMgr Domain or local user Acts as a power user
Ctx_CpuUser Domain or local user Acts as a user

Note: The Ctx_CpuUser account and its related services do not appear unless multiple processors are configured/available during the Presentation Server installation process.


Service user account policy settings

Policies Local Service Network Service ctx_cpsvcuser Ctx_StreamingSvc Ctx_ConfigMgr Ctx_CpuUser
Change the system time X
Generate security audits X X
Increase quotas X X
Load and unload device drivers X
Log on as a batch job X X X X X X
Log on as a service X X X X X
Replace a process level token X X X
Restore files and directories X
Debug programs X
Increase scheduling priority X



Citrix Presentation Server Services Overview


This document gives an overview of the system services that are installed with a complete Citrix Presentation Server 4.x installation.

Default Presentation Server 4.x System Services


Service Name Executable Logon Account / Startup Type Description Dependencies
Citrix ActiveSync Service (with PSE450W2K3R01 and x64R01) Ctxactivesync.exe NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceAutomatic Supports ActiveSync in ICA sessions Citrix Services ManagerHTTP
Citrix ADF Installer Service (ADF Installer Service) AgentSVC.exe Local System AccountPresentation Server 4.0: AutomaticPresentation Server 4.5: Disabled Used by Installation Manager in Enterprise and Platinum versions to install packages onto Presentation Servers Remote Procedure CallWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
Citrix Client Network (Client Network) cdmsvc.exe Local System AccountAutomatic Handles the mapping of client drives and peripherals within ICA sessions Client Drive Mapping (CDM)Windows Management Instrumentation Driver ExtensionsWorkstation
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/CPU Rebalancer (requires multiple CPUs) ctxcpubal.exe Local System AccountAutomatic Enhances resource management across multiple CPUs None
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/Resource Mgmt ctxcpusched.exe Local System AccountManual Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to manage resource consumption Remote procedure call
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/User-Session Sync (4.0 only) ctxcpuusync.exe Local System AccountManual Used in Enterprise version to synchronize user IDs of processes with their respective owner None
Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server (Diagnostic Facility COM Server) CdfSvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\NetworkServiceAutomatic Manages Diagnostic Facility tracing when used to diagnose problems with the Citrix Server Remote procedure call
Citrix Encryption Service (Encryption Service) encsvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICEAutomatic Handles encryption between the client device and the Citrix Server Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery (4.5 only) HCAService.exe NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceAutomatic Provides health monitoring and recovery services in the event problems occur None
Citrix Independent Management Architecture(Independent Management Architecture) ImaSrv.exe NT AUTHORITY\NetworkServiceAutomatic Provides management services within the Citrix farm Citrix Services ManagerIPSEC ServicesIPSEC driverRemote procedure callTCP/IP Protocol DriverServer

Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions


Citrix License Management Console(License server only) tomcat.exe NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceAutomatic Provides the web-based interface for licensing administration None
Citrix Licensing WMI (License server only) Citrix_GTLicensingProv.exe NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceAutomatic Provides information and notification regarding licensing events on the license server Remote procedure call
Citrix MFCOM Service (MetaFrame COM Server) mfcom.exe Presentation Server 4.0:Local System AccountPresentation Server 4.5: NT Authority\NetworkServiceAutomatic Provides COM services which allow remote connections of the management consoles Remote procedure callWindows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
Citrix Print Manager Service CpSvc.exe Presentation Server 4.0: .\Ctx_SmaUserPresentation Server 4.5: .\ctx_cpsvcuserAutomatic Handles the creation of printers and driver usage within Citrix sessions Print SpoolerRemote Procedure Call
Citrix Resource Manager Mail (Resource Manager Mail) MailService.exe Presentation Server 4.0: Local System AccountPresentation Server 4.5: nt authority\localserviceManual Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to send email alerts when thresholds in the server farm have been exceeded None
Citrix Services Manager (4.5 only) IMAAdvanceSrv.exe Local System AccountAutomatic Allows the components of Presentation Server to interface with the operating system None
Citrix SMA Service SmaService.exe Presentation Server 4.0: .\Ctx_SmaUserPresentation Server 4.5: NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceAutomatic Monitors the event log and Citrix WMI to raise alerts in the Access Suite Console (4.0) or Access Management Console (4.5) Independent Management ArchitectureCitrix Services ManagerIPSEC ServicesIPSEC driverRemote procedure callTCP/IP Protocol Driver


Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions


Citrix Streaming Service (4.5 only) RadeSvc.exe .\Ctx_StreamingSvcAutomatic Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to manage the Citrix Streaming Client when streaming applications Remote procedure call
Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization CTXSFOSvc.exe Local System AccountManual Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to rebase .dlls in order to free up server memory None
Citrix WMI Service ctxwmisvc.exe Presentation Server 4.0: Local System AccountPresentation Server 4.5: NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceManual Used to provide the Citrix WMI classes for information and management purposes Independent Management ArchitectureCitrix Services ManagerIPSEC ServicesIPSEC driverRemote procedure callTCP/IP Protocol Driver


Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions


Citrix XTE Server XTE.exe Presentation Server 4.0: Local System AccountPresentation Server 4.5: NT AUTHORITY\NetworkServiceManual Handles SSL Relay and Session Reliability functionality None
CitrixLicensing(License server only) lmgrd.exe NT AUTHORITY\LocalServiceAutomatic Handles allocation of licenses on the license server NetworkProvider

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